Recent Jobs
We recently completed a job in Co. Clare to create a road for a greyhound track on private premises. We groundworked the road before levelling it out and tarring it. The customer was very happy with the end result.
Here are the before and after images of the private greyhound track:

If you like what you see, and would like something similar or indeed different, we provide a range of services. Give us a call or send us an email if you have any enquiries.
Recent Jobs, Tarmac Kerry
Recently in Listowel Co. Kerry we were place with the job of Instating the road of previous work done for the new gas lines. We waited until they proceed onto the next section to begin leveling it out and tar the section.
Here are images during and after the roadworks:

If you like what you see or want something similar or different, we provide a range of services. Give us a call or email.
Recent Jobs
Last month we ventured up to Naas in Co. Kildare to lay a new car-park space for the An Post Depot. This was done using machine-laid tarmac and line marking. We first stripped the ground, levelled it out, and then laid the tar in sections. Once it was dried, we lined the car parking spaces and painted on the road traffic symbols.
Here are before and after images of the works carried out to An Post Depot.

If you like what you see or want something similar or different, we provide a range of services.
Give us a call or email us.