New Addition to the Team: Vogele Tar Spreader
Because of high work demand, we found the need to increase our ability to put out large amounts of tar, in a shorter space of time. Flexibility in the paving width and easier control over depths and levels of tar, were also high up on our wish list.
After a little deliberation, it was an easy decision to buy the Vogele 1300 3i Tracked Paver, which is manufactured by the Wirtgen Group, to the highest German standard.

Our brand new, specially adapted Vogele Paver, has all the features required to allow us to provide the best tarmac surface to our customers specifications, in the fastest time frame possible. We can seamlessly adjust from 1.8 meters wide, all the way up to 5 meters, allowing us to cater for trench work, road works and driveways, all with the same machine.
Minimum disruption is a massive factor for our clients, whether it’s someone looking to get a household driveway tarred, or an international corporation, looking for industrial standard roads, carparks and loading bays . All too often, we have heard people complain of previous contractors blocking roads and driveways for days and weeks at a time. We will work with you to minimise the inconvenience caused. With the help of our top of the range tar spreader, we can unload a full truck load of Stone Mastic Asphalt or Tar in 11 minutes. It also uses the latest laser levelling technology to create that millimeter perfect finish and ensure that THE JOB IS DONE RIGHT, FIRST TIME – EVERY TIME.
Most of the time, we will be in and out in 1 day and you will be able to drive on your new tarred road or driveway that evening. This is especially important for home driveways and farm roadways – where vehicular access is a major requirement.
Another bonus of the Vogele Paver, is the ease at which we can adjust the depths of each layer of tar applied – which is a vital factor when it comes to commercial road and driveway specifications.

Overall we are extremely happy with our new purchase. It allows us to provide the same high standard tar finish that we have always provided, just now we can do it that bit easier and quicker.